In the world of event planning, intuition often plays a significant role. I have relied upon it...
Templates, guides and resources for busy event leaders to accelerate growth
Advice and guidance on event strategy, planning and implementation
Strategy Templates
Competitive Analysis Templates
Infographic: Five powerful competitive analysis frameworks that can equip you with the ability to dissect the competition and craft winning event strategies:
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Five comprehensive sections, Templates, Frameworks, Models and Strategy Session Exercises to transform your annual event strategy sessions
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Do you feel like your event's commercial strategy is spinning its wheels? This template helps identify new revenue streams, bridge team skill gaps, and translate ideas into action.
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From idea to market
The 12 steps for a successful launch. This infographic highlights the key areas to focus on when launching from scratch.
Download the infographicInitial Launch Stage
Taking the leap can feel overwhelming. This template takes you through an 8-week sprint to bring your ideas to market faster.
Download the Foundation Launch TemplateNavigating the road to success
Discover how Event iQ can transform your launch from a seed of an idea into an established date in the calendar.
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Regular articles providing advice and guidance on event strategy, planning and implementation
Why Reviewing Your Winning Formula Could Be the Key to Accelerated Success.
Managing change within an event team is emotional, difficult, and challenging. Teams are often...